Monday, June 6, 2011

Product or Feature: iCloud Disrupts

Brief - with Apple's 6/6/2011 announcement of iCloud, a new product for apple uses that promises to sync music, documents, mail, apps, and more across multiple devices, a long discussed iTunes product feature becomes another link in the Apple chain.

Since last weeks announcement last Monday, I have begun noticing a few new things from Apple that signal the incoming cloud.  For example, I downloaded an app on my iPad and I was almost instantly sent a push notification on my iPhone asking me to turn on a feature that would automatically download that app to all of my synced devices.  That was without any updates to either the iPad or the iPhone.

But the big news of the WWDC, despite Weiner distraction, was the new iCloud service that takes what could have been a great feature for iTunes, iWork, iOs, etc. . . but instead created a product.  This subtle difference from Jobs and gang was even more exciting news with a $0 price tag.  The music match feature for $25 is a steal too!

To truly get the most out of Apple devices, one must surrender their tech life to Apple.  "It just works".  A popular quote from Jobs' keynote.  Last time he talked about being beyond features, focusing on what it can do for you.  Now it is all about how easily it works together.  The cloud ties all those devices together.  Always gaining on PC's, this makes the higher cost of Mac's a little more tolerable.  Call it a feature or call it a product, this platform is sure to be Apples next greatest success.  

Authors Note:
Key Elements for Disruption: 3rd Party Development
Will developers add iCloud?  Will businesses trust iCloud?  We will see when it goes live.